函数 HW_Init(void) \return 0 if initialization was successful ----------------- 返回值为0 表示初始化成功 \brief This function initialize the EtherCAT Slave Interface. -------------------- 此函数用于初始化EtherCAT从接口。 UINT16 HW_I…
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1.SOEM-master-1.4.0源码1 ec_init总览
/** Initialise lib in single NIC mode:初始化库在单网卡模式* param[in] ifname Dev name, f.e. "eth0" 设备名* return >0 if OK* see ecx_init*/
int ec_init(const char * ifname)
{return ecx_init(&…
Undefined symbol Identifier “CLOCK_MONOTONIC” Undefined symbol Identifier “TIMER_ABSTIME”
In your main cpp file, add this in the first line: #define _GNU_SOURCE
Write at the top
My computer got some silly problem with the typing software that my Chinese IM does’t work again. So I’ll try to record the things happened in English. If any error,DM me plz.
Undefined symbol Identifier “CLOCK_MONOTONIC”…
0 工具准备
1.SOEM-master-1.4.0源码1 ecx_siigetbyte函数总览
/** Read one byte from slave EEPROM via cache.通过从站EEPROM缓存区读取1个字节数据* If the cache location is empty then a read request is made to the slave. 如果读取的缓存区为空则向从站发起读取* …
百度安全验证 EtherCAT(Ethernet for Control Automation Technology)是一种高性能、实时性强的工业以太网通信协议,它可以实现多个从站设备通过一个主站设备进行控制和通信。
主站: EtherCAT主站是指控制整个EtherCAT网络的设备…